Top Career Tips for Millennials


Top Career Tips for Millennials

Posted 01 November 2020

​As part of the millennial generation; I’ve seen some peers carve out an enviable career path in an ever changing landscape, and some struggle to find their way. I’ve drawn on the experience of my millennial friends, family and colleagues – past and present, to see what top career tips they would give our generation.

Embrace career change

It may seem strange that millennials will consider a change in direction relatively “early on” in their working life; but now is the time that many are reconsidering whether their initial career path suits their current work/life balance aspirations. If you are unhappy, then embrace the need for change. Investigate different career paths and if possible, try some short term temporary work to see what does work for you.

Be willing to learn

Above all you need to be realistic and flexible with your options. You may find that waiting for a job opportunity that is perfect from the “get go” will be a thankless task. Every one of your career choices has pros and cons, so don’t be afraid to push the boundaries a little and try something new. Learning new skills makes you that little bit more marketable AND valuable.

Market yourself

The tech savvy generation are fully aware that a good online personal brand is essential and that not having one may fail to get an employer “excited” about you as someone who can enhance their team. It’s not just online though - make sure your brand message is consistent across LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Ensure that you are active in networking groups. Above all, make sure your brand “markets” your product – it SELLS YOU!

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